Stillness Matters Too . . .
January 27, 2017
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February 21, 2017 @ 12:00 am – 1:00 pm
Birch Grove Community Center Grand Marais, MN
Join coach Marcia Hyatt, and discover the benefits of stillness in life, and how to create it.
Marcia Hyatt is a leadership and life coach. With experience as a leader in corporate, government and non-profits, she has facilitated leadership development over 30 years. She is the creator and host of the weekly WTIP radio feature “The Best of Ourselves”. Marcia co-founded the Center for Emerging Leadership in 1995 and its Women’s Leadership Community, an intentional learning community that supports women in bringing their whole selves into the world. In 2011, she published, What Have I Mythed? Stories for Reflection. 2014-2016, she was voted as Minnesota’s favorite coach by Minnesota Women’s Press readers. Marcia also co-owns and manages the Last Chance Sculpture Studio and Gallery in Lutsen, Minnesota.